Improving Efficiency and Experiment Set Up Quality, Introducing Our May Feature Releases

Published on Jun 6, 2024

by Cal Courtney

Improving Efficiency and Experiment Set Up Quality, Introducing Our May Feature Releases

Moving into May, we are excited to unveil a series of platform enhancements designed to make your experimentation process even more efficient. At ABsmartly, we are committed to providing you with cutting-edge tools that streamline your workflows and enhance the accuracy and reliability of your experiments.

Templates for Experiments - Streamlining Your Workflow

One of the standout features of our May release is the introduction of templates for experiments. For experiments conducted frequently, templates are invaluable assets that enable you to speed up the setup processes and minimise errors, particularly when complex audiences are commonly used. 

They can also be used when the same group of metrics are used across most experiments and/or when hypotheses and predictions have different templates per team or experiment type. 

Imagine the time you’ll save when all the fields are pre-populated with your predefined parameters. This feature is useful for individual experimenters and crucial for ensuring standardisation across various teams in your organisation. Consistency means higher-quality experiments, and alignment across different teams, especially in siloed environments, is essential for driving organisational excellence in experimentation.

The use of templates goes far beyond time savings. By eliminating manual errors in experiment setup and metric selection, our templates allow you to maintain consistency and efficiency across your experiments to enhance the reliability of the program.

“Restart As” - easily convert Features to an Experiment and Experiments to Features

Our platform now allows seamless conversion between feature flags and experiments without requiring code changes, we call this "Restart As". This capability significantly enhances the flexibility and agility of experimentation teams. It enables teams to initiate a new idea as a feature flag and later transition it into an experiment, or vice versa, based on the results. 

For instance, you can start with a feature flag to test a new feature's functionality and, if the test proves successful, convert it into a full-scale experiment. This dynamic approach fosters a more iterative and responsive development process, allowing teams to adapt quickly to new insights and improve their workflows.

Configurable Action Dialogs - customise prompts for tailored experimentation

We have introduced configurable action dialogs, allowing you to customise prompts and descriptions within confirmation dialogs. This feature is particularly beneficial for experimentation programs that require specific context lengths or support company-specific efforts, such as adhering to legal policies. For example, when restarting an experiment, a dialog screen will prompt you to write a report capturing the rationale behind the restart. 

This dialog is now customisable to meet the unique needs of your organisation, ensuring that all relevant information is collected and aligned with your internal processes. This customisation enhances the overall experimentation process by making it more tailored and compliant with organisational requirements.

Decision Summary Card - Key details "at-a-glance"

Another feature launching in May is one we are particularly pleased with because it will give you clear, at-a-glance information about your experiments. When you stop an experiment, we have always asked you to write up the details of the insights and learnings acquired based on the result of the experiment. But this important report has stayed “hidden” in the activity feed. The new Decision Summary Card will give you those key details at your fingertips. We use those summary details to bring emphasis to that decision report and show it at the top of the dashboard so that you have all the information on top of your mind. When you access the experiment dashboard, you will see the decision displayed prominently at the top of the page. 

Expanding the Horizon of Experimentation

Our May release goes even further in democratising the field of online experimentation. At ABsmartly, we are dedicated to innovating and improving our platform so that you have the freedom to experiment safely in the knowledge that our robust statistical engine will give you improved accuracy and true real-time reporting. We want to support your business in using revolutionary digital tools that empower you to create a culture of experimentation in your company efficiently and confidently. From the time-saving templates for experiments that help you to streamline your workflow to the Group Sequential Testing (GST) engine that enables faster, more accurate, and robust experiments, we designed our latest features to empower you to simply create effective experiments that help your business to develop and improve the products and services you offer your customers.